Publish on 24-07-2018
Start date: 25-07-2018
End date: 25-07-2018
On July 24, the Catalan Government celebrated an event to congratulate Reempresa for their successful results in promoting business transfer and reducing unemployment in Catalonia.
During its seven years of activity, Reempresa has given continuity to more than 1,770 companies, which has generated an investment of more than 80 million euros and, what is even more important, safeguarding more than 5,100 direct jobs.
Reempresa shared the results on their last study “Post-transfer performance”, where they have found out that 87% of the business transferred are still alive after 3 years. Also, that 75% of them have increased their turnover, while 62% and 45% now use social networks and websites, while the old entrepreneur did not, which shows the modernization of such businesses.
The event was chaired by the Vice President of the Government of Catalonia and Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Pere Aragonès, and the Minister for Business and Knowledge, Ms. Àngels Chacón who emphasized the importance of the existence of a structured response for business transfer, which has been recognized at international level as an example of good practice in improving local business environment.
Mr. Antoni Abad and Mr. Albert Colomer, president and director of Reempresa, thanked all the representatives from the network of collaborators in their great work during these past years, and shared with all of them the award given by the European Commission on the European Enterprise Promotion Awards Ceremony.